Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! - melanie van Gendt - WaarBenJij.nu Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! - melanie van Gendt - WaarBenJij.nu
Zend_View Object
    [_useViewStream:Zend_View:private] => 1
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                            [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array
                                    [0] => stdClass Object
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                                            [name] => robots
                                            [content] => index,follow
                                            [modifiers] => Array




                    [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object
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                                    [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object
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                                            [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array
                                                    [content] => 

Reisdetails van Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Enkele maanden geleden ging Pascal op zijn knieen.... met de vraag of we in de winter konden gaan backpacken door ZO Azie. Na enige twijfel dacht ik, waarom ook niet eigenlijk. En hier zijn we dan, in plaats van in Nederland waar het momenteel glad, wit en koud is, in het tropische Kuala Lumpur waar we 18 uur aan het wachten zijn op onze vlucht naar Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesie. Ja, we hebben er al een maand opzitten, en beginnen nu dus eigenlijk aan het derde en laatste deel van de reis. Toch ga ik proberen mijn geheugen op te frissen en jullie vertellen wat we allemaal hebben meegemaakt tot nu toe. Je moet je ergens mee bezig houden al die uren nietwaar :)!




van 16 december 2015 tot en met 14 februari 2016

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://mellievg.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van mellievg.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [1] => melanie van Gendt [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype Object ( [_defaultDoctype:protected] => HTML4_LOOSE [_registry:protected] => ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [doctypes] => Array ( [XHTML11] => [XHTML1_STRICT] => [XHTML1_TRANSITIONAL] => [XHTML1_FRAMESET] => [XHTML1_RDFA] => [XHTML_BASIC1] => [XHTML5] => [HTML4_STRICT] => [HTML4_LOOSE] => [HTML4_FRAMESET] => [HTML5] => ) [doctype] => HTML4_LOOSE ) ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink Object ( [_itemKeys:protected] => Array ( [0] => charset [1] => href [2] => hreflang [3] => id [4] => media [5] => rel [6] => rev [7] => type [8] => title [9] => extras [10] => sizes ) [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://mellievg.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van mellievg.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Enkele maanden geleden ging Pascal op zijn knieen.... met de vraag of we in de winter konden gaan backpacken door ZO Azie. Na enige twijfel dacht ik, waarom ook niet eigenlijk. En hier zijn we dan, in plaats van in Nederland waar het momenteel glad, wit en koud is, in het tropische Kuala Lumpur waar we 18 uur aan het wachten zijn op onze vlucht naar Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesie. Ja, we hebben er al een maand opzitten, en beginnen nu dus eigenlijk aan het derde en laatste deel van de reis. Toch ga ik proberen mijn geheugen op te frissen en jullie vertellen wat we allemaal hebben meegemaakt tot nu toe. Je moet je ergens mee bezig houden al die uren nietwaar :)!




van 16 december 2015 tot en met 14 februari 2016

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://mellievg.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van mellievg.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [1] => melanie van Gendt [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript Object ( [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript [_arbitraryAttributes:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureScriptType:protected] => [_captureScriptAttrs:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_optionalAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => charset [1] => defer [2] => language [3] => src ) [_requiredAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => type ) [useCdata] => [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Enkele maanden geleden ging Pascal op zijn knieen.... met de vraag of we in de winter konden gaan backpacken door ZO Azie. Na enige twijfel dacht ik, waarom ook niet eigenlijk. En hier zijn we dan, in plaats van in Nederland waar het momenteel glad, wit en koud is, in het tropische Kuala Lumpur waar we 18 uur aan het wachten zijn op onze vlucht naar Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesie. Ja, we hebben er al een maand opzitten, en beginnen nu dus eigenlijk aan het derde en laatste deel van de reis. Toch ga ik proberen mijn geheugen op te frissen en jullie vertellen wat we allemaal hebben meegemaakt tot nu toe. Je moet je ergens mee bezig houden al die uren nietwaar :)!




van 16 december 2015 tot en met 14 februari 2016

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://mellievg.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van mellievg.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [1] => melanie van Gendt [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript Object ( [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript [_arbitraryAttributes:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureScriptType:protected] => [_captureScriptAttrs:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_optionalAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => charset [1] => defer [2] => language [3] => src ) [_requiredAttributes:protected] => Array ( [0] => type ) [useCdata] => [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Enkele maanden geleden ging Pascal op zijn knieen.... met de vraag of we in de winter konden gaan backpacken door ZO Azie. Na enige twijfel dacht ik, waarom ook niet eigenlijk. En hier zijn we dan, in plaats van in Nederland waar het momenteel glad, wit en koud is, in het tropische Kuala Lumpur waar we 18 uur aan het wachten zijn op onze vlucht naar Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesie. Ja, we hebben er al een maand opzitten, en beginnen nu dus eigenlijk aan het derde en laatste deel van de reis. Toch ga ik proberen mijn geheugen op te frissen en jullie vertellen wat we allemaal hebben meegemaakt tot nu toe. Je moet je ergens mee bezig houden al die uren nietwaar :)!




van 16 december 2015 tot en met 14 februari 2016

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://mellievg.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van mellievg.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/tmpl.min.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/load-image.min.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/bootstrap.min.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [1] => melanie van Gendt [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle Object ( [_regKey:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle [_translate:protected] => [_translator:protected] => [_defaultAttachOrder:protected] => [_container:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [1] => melanie van Gendt [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) [_registry:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Registry Object ( [_containerClass:protected] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container [_items:protected] => Array ( [Zend_Layout] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [content] =>

Reisdetails van Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!


Enkele maanden geleden ging Pascal op zijn knieen.... met de vraag of we in de winter konden gaan backpacken door ZO Azie. Na enige twijfel dacht ik, waarom ook niet eigenlijk. En hier zijn we dan, in plaats van in Nederland waar het momenteel glad, wit en koud is, in het tropische Kuala Lumpur waar we 18 uur aan het wachten zijn op onze vlucht naar Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesie. Ja, we hebben er al een maand opzitten, en beginnen nu dus eigenlijk aan het derde en laatste deel van de reis. Toch ga ik proberen mijn geheugen op te frissen en jullie vertellen wat we allemaal hebben meegemaakt tot nu toe. Je moet je ergens mee bezig houden al die uren nietwaar :)!




van 16 december 2015 tot en met 14 februari 2016

) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => name [name] => robots [content] => index,follow [modifiers] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [rel] => alternate [href] => http://mellievg.waarbenjij.nu/feed.rss [title] => Reisverslagen van mellievg.waarbenjij.nu [type] => application/rss+xml ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/ui/exampleHintText.js ) [source] => ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.mousewheel.js ) [source] => ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/json2.js ) [source] => ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cycle.lite.js ) [source] => ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.jscrollpane.min.js ) [source] => ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tagify.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.validationEngine-nl.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.validationEngine.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.iframe-transport.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tools.min.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.prettyPhoto.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ba-dotimeout.min.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.store.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.cookie.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.miniColors.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tmpl.js ) [source] => ) [18] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.textCounter.js ) [source] => ) [19] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.rotate.js ) [source] => ) [20] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.easyBGResizer.js ) [source] => ) [21] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.js ) [source] => ) [22] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/aurigma.uploader.installationprogress.js ) [source] => ) [23] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/external/aurigma/local/aurigma.uploader.nl_localization.js ) [source] => ) [24] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.ad-gallery.js ) [source] => ) [25] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/gmaps.js ) [source] => ) [26] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/googleMapsNew.js ) [source] => ) [27] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Callback.js ) [source] => ) [28] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/Entity.js ) [source] => ) [29] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/setup.js ) [source] => ) [30] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery-example.js ) [source] => ) [31] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.tooltip.min.js ) [source] => ) [32] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.ui.datepicker-nl.js ) [source] => ) [33] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/bas.js ) [source] => ) [34] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/team.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => 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text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.fileupload-ui.js ) [source] => ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/fileUploadCustomSettings.js ) [source] => ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/jquery.timeago.js ) [source] => ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/local/jquery.timeago.nl.js ) [source] => ) [9] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/jquery/fileuploader.js ) [source] => ) [10] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/entity/upload.js ) [source] => ) [11] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/SortableEntities.js ) [source] => ) [12] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/unoslider.js ) [source] => ) [13] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/shop.js ) [source] => ) [14] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/classes/PortalTicker.js ) [source] => ) [15] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/afterLoading.js ) [source] => ) [16] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/commentValidation.js ) [source] => ) [17] => stdClass Object ( [type] => text/javascript [attributes] => Array ( [src] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/js/custom/clubs.js ) [source] => ) ) ) [Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_Placeholder_Container Object ( [_prefix:protected] => [_postfix:protected] => [_separator:protected] => - [_indent:protected] => [_captureLock:protected] => [_captureType:protected] => [_captureKey:protected] => [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [0] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [1] => melanie van Gendt [2] => WaarBenJij.nu ) ) ) ) [_autoEscape:protected] => 1 [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [DateTime] => TravelLog\View\Helper\DateTime Object ( [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) [Url] => Zend_View_Helper_Url Object ( [view] => Zend_View Object *RECURSION* ) ) [_helperLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_helperLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filter:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterClass:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoaded:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_filterLoadedDir:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( ) [_escape:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => htmlspecialchars [_encoding:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => UTF-8 [_lfiProtectionOn:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => 1 [_loaders:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [filter] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Filter/ [1] => ./views/filters/ ) [User_View_Filter_] => Array ( [0] => /srv/www/tl-www/website/application/modules/user/views/filters/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) [helper] => Zend_Loader_PluginLoader Object ( [_loadedPluginPaths:protected] => Array ( ) [_loadedPlugins:protected] => Array ( [HeadMeta] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadMeta [Doctype] => Zend_View_Helper_Doctype [HeadLink] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadLink [HeadScript] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadScript [InlineScript] => Zend_View_Helper_InlineScript [HeadTitle] => Zend_View_Helper_HeadTitle [DateTime] => TravelLog\View\Helper\DateTime [Url] => Zend_View_Helper_Url ) [_prefixToPaths:protected] => Array ( [Zend_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => Zend/View/Helper/ [1] => ./views/helpers/ ) [TravelLog\View\Helper\] => Array ( [0] => /srv/www/tl-www/website/application/library/TravelLog/View/Helper/ ) [User_View_Helper_] => Array ( [0] => /srv/www/tl-www/website/application/modules/user/views/helpers/ ) ) [_useStaticRegistry:protected] => ) ) [_loaderTypes:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => Array ( [0] => filter [1] => helper ) [_strictVars:Zend_View_Abstract:private] => [module] => user [controller] => travels [action] => details [currentUserId] => 0 [currentUserName] => [domainName] => waarbenjij.nu [protocol] => https:// [cdnRoot] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/ [cdn] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/ [notificationWindow] => [customBannerParameters] => Array ( ) [analyticsDomain] => .waarbenjij.nu [analyticsCode] => UA-109425-7 [analyticsClickTracking] => [user] => TravelLog\Entity\Users\Users Object ( [latestReport:protected] => [_name:protected] => users [_schema:protected] => users [_data:protected] => Array ( [userId] => 299530 [communityWebsiteId] => 1 [username] => mellievg [usernameCrc32] => 1983367141 [primaryLanguageId] => 1 [status] => online [latitude] => 11.562450 [longitude] => 104.916010 [firstName] => melanie [lastNamePrefix] => van [lastName] => Gendt [photoAvailable] => yes [photoRevision] => 0 [emailAddress] => mellievg@gmail.com [emailAddressCrc32] => 0 [currentCityId] => 1821306 [currentCountryId] => 32 [advertising] => yes [pictureCount] => 0 [videoCount] => 0 [gender] => female [homeCityId] => 2745088 [homeCountryId] => 134 [newsletterSubscription] => yes [registrationDate] => 2011-06-30 08:46:53 [lastLoginDate] => 2012-07-19 22:00:00 [birthday] => 1990-06-02 [showOnHomepage] => no [description] => [mailFlow] => enabled [mailinglistAcceptMemberFirst] => no [showWelcomeBanner] => yes [vipExpirationDate] => 0000-00-00 [showVipStatus] => no [freeSecondAlbumCredits] => 0 [mailNewReports] => yes [mailNewReportComments] => yes [photoPlayerType] => inline [visitorCount] => 62287 [showHalloBuitenland] => yes [showComments] => no [showSocialMediaButtons] => no [adi_num_invites] => unlimited [emailStatus] => deliverable [emailCheckDate] => 2024-11-16 00:40:31 [passwordProtected] => no [vipMember] => no [currentCityName] => Phnom-Penh [currentCountryName] => Cambodja [currentCountryIsoCode] => kh [currentContinentId] => 2 [currentContinentName] => Azië [currentTimezoneId] => 265 [currentLatitude] => 11.562450 [currentLongitude] => 104.916010 [homeCityName] => Wageningen [homeCountryName] => Nederland [homeCountryIsoCode] => nl [homeContinentId] => 4 [homeContinentName] => Europa [homeTimezoneId] => 312 [homeLatitude] => 51.970000 [homeLongitude] => 5.666670 [timezoneId] => 265 [timezoneName] => Asia/Phnom_Penh [localTime] => 2024-12-05 09:14:48 [age] => 34 [travelStatus] => back [imageLink50x50] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/users/000/000/000/000/299/530_50x50.jpg?r=0 [imageLink105x105] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/users/000/000/000/000/299/530_105x105.jpg?r=0 [imageLinkSidebar] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl//users/000/000/000/000/299/530_sidebar.jpg?r=0 ) [_apiClient:protected] => TravelLog\ApiClient\HttpApiClient Object ( [urlPath:protected] => users/users [lastReponse:protected] => [_timeout:protected] => 10 [_throwExceptions:protected] => 1 ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_isNew:protected] => [_primaryKeyField:protected] => [_relatedEntities:protected] => Array ( ) ) [userFullName] => melanie van Gendt [visitedCountries] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 134 [countryName] => Nederland [countryIsoCode] => nl [continentId] => 4 [continentName] => Europa ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 41 [countryName] => China [countryIsoCode] => cn [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 183 [countryName] => Thailand [countryIsoCode] => th [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 169 [countryName] => Spanje [countryIsoCode] => es [continentId] => 4 [continentName] => Europa ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 96 [countryName] => Japan [countryIsoCode] => jp [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 87 [countryName] => India [countryIsoCode] => in [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [countryId] => 32 [countryName] => Cambodja [countryIsoCode] => kh [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) ) [travel] => TravelLog\Entity\Users\Travels Object ( [_name:protected] => travels [_schema:protected] => users [_data:protected] => Array ( [travelId] => 500565 [userId] => 299530 [travelIdUrl] => 0 [title] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [description] => Enkele maanden geleden ging Pascal op zijn knieen.... met de vraag of we in de winter konden gaan backpacken door ZO Azie. Na enige twijfel dacht ik, waarom ook niet eigenlijk. En hier zijn we dan, in plaats van in Nederland waar het momenteel glad, wit en koud is, in het tropische Kuala Lumpur waar we 18 uur aan het wachten zijn op onze vlucht naar Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesie. Ja, we hebben er al een maand opzitten, en beginnen nu dus eigenlijk aan het derde en laatste deel van de reis. Toch ga ik proberen mijn geheugen op te frissen en jullie vertellen wat we allemaal hebben meegemaakt tot nu toe. Je moet je ergens mee bezig houden al die uren nietwaar :)! [dateDepart] => 2015-12-16 [dateReturn] => 2016-02-14 [goalId] => 1 [tags] => Thailand, cambodia,indonesie,sumatra [campaignId] => 0 [showDate] => yes [picture] => no [designId] => 0 [designSource] => general [groupTravel] => no [pictureCount] => 0 [videoCount] => 0 [clubId] => 0 [clubTravelId] => 0 [partnerId] => 0 [dateDeleted] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [titleSlugified] => zuid-oost-azi-omdat-het-kan [goalName] => Backpacken [travelStatus] => back [stylesheetLink] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/css/custom/design0.css [imageLinkSidebar] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/img/dagboek/standard.jpg [imageLink50x50] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/img/icons/thumbnailTravel.png ) [_apiClient:protected] => TravelLog\ApiClient\HttpApiClient Object ( [urlPath:protected] => users/travels [lastReponse:protected] => [_timeout:protected] => 10 [_throwExceptions:protected] => 1 ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [_isNew:protected] => [_primaryKeyField:protected] => [_relatedEntities:protected] => Array ( ) ) [currentTravelTitle] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [currentTravelId] => 500565 [travelList] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 500565 [title] => Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan! [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2015-12-16 [dateReturn] => 2016-02-14 [titleSlugified] => zuid-oost-azi-omdat-het-kan ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 472818 [title] => Back in Japan, stage in Kyoto [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2014-06-04 [dateReturn] => 2014-09-01 [titleSlugified] => back-in-japan-stage-in-kyoto ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 448100 [title] => India [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2013-07-10 [dateReturn] => 2013-08-22 [titleSlugified] => india ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 400467 [title] => Konnichiwa, Nihon! [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2012-06-18 [dateReturn] => 2012-08-28 [titleSlugified] => konnichiwa-nihon ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 384364 [title] => Me gusta Malaga! [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2012-02-07 [dateReturn] => 2012-02-11 [titleSlugified] => me-gusta-malaga ) [5] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 339766 [title] => Een stukkie pikant in Thailand [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2011-07-05 [dateReturn] => 2011-08-16 [titleSlugified] => een-stukkie-pikant-in-thailand ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 339804 [title] => The Malta Experience ;) [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2011-02-00 [dateReturn] => 2011-02-00 [titleSlugified] => the-malta-experience ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 339803 [title] => Diesweekend Luxemburg [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2010-03-05 [dateReturn] => 2010-03-07 [titleSlugified] => diesweekend-luxemburg ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [travelId] => 339801 [title] => Familievakantie Florida [partnerId] => 0 [dateDepart] => 2009-02-00 [dateReturn] => 2009-02-00 [titleSlugified] => familievakantie-florida ) ) [partnerCode] => [recentReports] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [reportId] => 4894903 [title] => Deel 1: Cambodia [datePublication] => 2016-02-02 [countryId] => 32 [cityId] => 1821306 [commentCount] => 1 [titleSlugified] => deel-1-cambodia [countryName] => Cambodja [countryIsoCode] => kh [continentId] => 2 [continentName] => Azië ) ) [diaryStats] => Array ( [userTravelsCount] => 9 [userReportsCount] => 1 [userPictureCount] => 0 ) [breadcrumb] =>
  • >
  • >
  • Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!
  • >
  • Reisdetails
  • [styleSheet] => https://cdn.easyapps.nl/578/css/custom/design0.css )

    Blijf op de hoogte en volg melanie

    Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!

    Enkele maanden geleden ging Pascal op zijn knieen.... met de vraag of we in de winter konden gaan backpacken door ZO Azie. Na enige twijfel dacht ik, waarom ook niet eigenlijk. En hier zijn we dan, in plaats van in Nederland waar het momenteel glad, wit en koud is, in het tropische Kuala Lumpur waar we 18 uur aan het wachten zijn op onze vlucht naar Banda Aceh in Sumatra, Indonesie. Ja, we hebben er al een maand opzitten, en beginnen nu dus eigenlijk aan het derde en laatste deel van de reis. Toch ga ik proberen mijn geheugen op te frissen en jullie vertellen wat we allemaal hebben meegemaakt tot nu toe. Je moet je ergens mee bezig houden al die uren nietwaar :)!

    Recente Reisverslagen:

    02 Februari 2016

    Deel 1: Cambodia

    Landen bezocht:


    Actief sinds 30 Juni 2011
    Verslag gelezen:
    Totaal aantal bezoekers 62287

    Voorgaande reizen:

    16 December 2015 - 14 Februari 2016

    Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!

    04 Juni 2014 - 01 September 2014

    Back in Japan, stage in Kyoto

    10 Juli 2013 - 22 Augustus 2013


    18 Juni 2012 - 28 Augustus 2012

    Konnichiwa, Nihon!

    07 Februari 2012 - 11 Februari 2012

    Me gusta Malaga!

    05 Juli 2011 - 16 Augustus 2011

    Een stukkie pikant in Thailand

    31 Januari 2011 - 31 Januari 2011

    The Malta Experience ;)

    05 Maart 2010 - 07 Maart 2010

    Diesweekend Luxemburg

    31 Januari 2009 - 31 Januari 2009

    Familievakantie Florida

    Landen bezocht:

    Voorgaande reizen:

    16 December 2015 - 14 Februari 2016

    Zuid-Oost Azië omdat het kan!

    04 Juni 2014 - 01 September 2014

    Back in Japan, stage in Kyoto

    10 Juli 2013 - 22 Augustus 2013


    18 Juni 2012 - 28 Augustus 2012

    Konnichiwa, Nihon!

    07 Februari 2012 - 11 Februari 2012

    Me gusta Malaga!

    05 Juli 2011 - 16 Augustus 2011

    Een stukkie pikant in Thailand

    31 Januari 2011 - 31 Januari 2011

    The Malta Experience ;)

    05 Maart 2010 - 07 Maart 2010

    Diesweekend Luxemburg

    31 Januari 2009 - 31 Januari 2009

    Familievakantie Florida